Betta Care
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for Bettas :
When it comes to our homes, we
aren't that picky either, but try to keep in mind that just because we
can survive in just about any container, does not mean we will
Of course we would LOVE to live
in a nice large tank, we would even get along with most other fish if
you kept us in one! But, most people purchasing us do so because we can
be kept in small, itty-bitty, tiny bowls (*shivering at the thought*) To
tell you the honest truth, those bowls are really too small. We can
survive in them, and some of us may even like them ok ( are there such
things as fishy-loony bins??) but we really do enjoy swimming around.
You will be amazed when you move us from those tiny bowl into even just
a one gallon tank. We develop these WONDERFUL personalities, and do all
sorts of silly things. I have even heard a pet store owner tell a
customer once that we had to be kept in those small bowl because we
couldn't swim around!! He said we would over exert ourselves!!! I had
NEVER laughed to hard!!!
I would say that anywhere from a
1/2 gallon container to any size up you could spare would be great for
us. A nice live plant (fake if you don't have live ones) are really
nice, too. I personally like to rest on mine. They also make great spots
to build out nests.
When it comes to putting us in a
tank with other fish, keep these things in mind: We have long fins, so
PLEASE don't stick us in with fin-nipping fish!! I personally get along
fine with ottos, cory cats, neon tetras (although I have had a few
cousins decide to make snacks of them), guppies, mollies, swordtails,
& platys. It all depends on the betta you have, just try and
There are many tanks and bowls on
the market today. One thing to keep in mind is that we have a tendency
to jump. It is not necessarily that we MEAN to commit suicide, we just
get the urge, and jump!!! So a vented lid is a very good idea on our bowls.
Otherwise you may come home to find an empty bowl!
Here are a few choices you can find at fish stores and even online.