Baby Brine Shrimp are a great food
for fry. Along with MicroWorms, they will be a complete meal. Here are
some instructions on hatching them :
The way I use has worked great. I take an old quart jelly jar, and I
hammer a screwdriver through the lid just making the hole big enough for
airline tubing to fit through. Then I slip a line of tubing through it,
attach a piece of rigid tubing to it, then I attach a fine mist airstone.
I then fill the jar with pre mixed water (8 Tbsp Aquarium salt to 1 gallon
water) to the top, add my eggs and close. I turn on the airpump and cover
the jar with a damp rag. This will soak up the water that bubbles out the
hole in the top. The next day, approximately about the same time I started
them the day before, they will be hatched. I personally use San Fransisco
Bays hatchery. It is a black box with a 2 ½" hole in the top, and a
clear container tube that fits on that hole. The cap of that container has
a small hole. When that container is filled with freshwater and set in the
hole of the black box, it makes for the only light source of the BBS. They
are then attracted to it and venture into the container for easy feeding!!
If you don't want to buy the hatchery, I used to use a baby's nose syringe
(the kind with the clear tip) and attach airline tubing with an airline
tube attachment. I would let the water settle after hatching, then suck
out the BBS. Shining a light in one spot would help concentrate them into
one area. I hope this makes sense.
Here is a way many other people use - Brine
Shrimp Hatchery or
Culturing Brineshrimp
A Do-It-Yourself Brine Shrimp Hatchery
by Matt Lindenfelser, CAKC member
1. Attach airline valve to hose and close it. Loop hose over top to
prevent backflow.
2. Fill hatchery to within 1 inch of top with brine and artemia eggs.
3. Connect hose to air pump and open valve.
4. If the soda bottles have removable bases, use the second base as a
spray shield on top of the hatchery.
To collect nauplii, shut airline valve and disconnect hose from pump.
Shine a lamp on the bottom of the hatchery and wait until egg shells have
floated and nauplii have gathered at the bottom. Then, move the air hose
below water level and open the valve to drain nauplii through a brine
shrimp net. Afterwards, close the valve, loop the hose over the top,
reconnect to the pump, and open the valve again to resume aeration.
Notes: Water may slowly drip from hole in the cap, but will be caught
by the supporting bottle half. You may want to cover the top to reduce
salt-spray. Alternately, you may opt to leave the top bottle intact,
except for a small hole drilled through its base (although this will
complicate cleaning and refilling the hatchery).