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by Mardel Labratories Inc.

200 mg
erythromycin activity


Broad-spectrum, nontoxic antibiotic tablets to treat infections of body fungus (grayish-white material covering mouth; may spread to fins, tail, and body), fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, and secondary infections in freshwater aquariums. No water changes, pH, or temperature adjustments necessary if readings are in ideal range.

Dosage :

For Aquarium use: Tablets should be dropped directly into the tank, not into the filter. The tablets will dissolve rapidly and circulate through the water. A dosage of 1 tablet per 10 gallons of freshwater is recommended. Repeat treatment every 24 hours for a total of five days. Use of a hospital tank is recommended.

Quantity- 8 Tablets

Avg. Price - $3.99

Safe for Invertebrates

It is not necessary to adjust the PH, temperature or to make water changes if readings are in ideal range. Maintain normal filtration and air. If an activated carbon filter is more than 5 days old, it may be left in place. However, fresh activated carbon may reduce the activity of medications and should be removed.
Treats :

("Body Fungus")

Fin/Tail Rot


Gill Disease
Technical Information
Instructions: Read enclosed brochure carefully before using. Use of a hospital tank is recommended. No water changes, pH, or temperature adjustments necessary if readings are in ideal range. Maintain normal filtration and air. Infected fish: One tablet per 10 gallons of water and repeat every 24 hours for at least five days. Repeat this five day treatment only once if needed.
Important: Treat for five days even if visible signs disappear. After treatment, new activated carbon or charcoal removes any remaining color from water. May be used in conjunction with other Mardel Freshwater products. Refer to the enclosed fish disease chart for proper combination use.
Keep out of reach of children. For aquarium use only. This product if intended for exclusive use with ornamental fish and/or other ornamental organisms and is not intended for use with fish for human consumption
Tips : When treating for Popeye, Gill Disease or Fin/Tail rot, it is a good idea to use with Maracyn2
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